Bringing the future to the fund industry

We are at the ALFI
London Conference
and Cocktail

16 October 2024
etc. venues 133 Houndsditch

– An Agent for Change

An interview with Janusz Lorenc in #21 of Duke. Change and adaptability is a key; those that do not evolve fast enough are becoming irrelevant. It's important to create and nurture conditions that enable us to anticipate the need for change.

Fundsphere Compliance is live as SaaS

Fundsphere Compliance, due diligence solution including KYC, list screening, transaction monitoring, escalation management and more, is now also available as Software-as-a-Service. It is hosted in Luxembourg with a regulated PSF providing a robust data security framework.


Our clients are global asset managers and global service providers. Fundsphere® is used worldwide and is private labeled to enhance visibility of clients’ brands.
In most cases we remain invisible to the end user.

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